Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Clear Promises.

Sweet Baby,

One month has passed, but whenever there is a lull in conversation or your brother is still, my thoughts default to you. I wonder if others can somehow read it on my face. As small as you were, you have become the elephant in my room. The stinging disbelief has turned to reluctant acceptance, and while I would never wish you away from the presence of Jesus, I find it impossible not to wish you were still safely growing under that little bulge in my belly.

All of the thinking and wondering has left me with very few answers, but I can't seem to help it. The answers may never come, but the wondering is a steady drip. Did I somehow cause this? Why did God allow it? What does the future hold for our family?

In Bible Study last year, there was one particular phrase our teacher, Lori, repeated over and over. We studied the apostles establishing the new church in Acts. Without knowing what was ahead of them, the apostles obediently pressed on, moving into foreign cities and facing harsh opposition.

"You see, ladies, the details are fuzzy, but the promise is clear! The details are fuzzy, but the promise is clear. The details are fuzzy, but the promise is clear."

Lori spoke these words like a drum beat each week, and each week I wrote them into my notes as if it was the first time I'd heard them. Now they echo back each time I wonder "why?" The details are fuzzy, but the promise is clear.

The hard truth is that life is full of tragedies large and small. We are often left with more questions than answers. Though the answers may always elude us, those who follow Jesus can build their futures on firm promises. We are not left without hope.

God is close to us when we are brokenhearted, and He binds up our wounds. (Psalm 34:18).

God takes all the hard stuff we face and makes good things come of it (Romans 8:28).

God's plans are for our good, not our harm, and our future is full of hope (Jeremiah 29:11).

God will comfort us and allow us to comfort others when they experience similar heartache (2 Corinthians 1:4).

And on, and on, and on, these promises go.

I'm so thankful for these clear promises in the midst of fuzzy details. When the questions seem overwhelming, the answers from God's Word steady me. When the future seems scary, God's Word restores hope. God is using you to strengthen our faith, little one, and He's keeping His promises.

Love and hugs,


1 comment:

Aimee @ SmallAnchors.com said...

i am so sorry for your loss sweet friend. was thinking of you today and landed on your blog.. praying for you!