We just returned home from two weeks of vacation with my family in Montana. For as long as I can remember, we've gone home to Montana every summer. We soak in breezy nights with the windows open, cool, lush grass, ice cream sundaes, and tons of time with grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles.
In many ways, this trip was no different.
In many ways, it was very different.
Ben had his first flight and was a total rockstar! Out of eight hours in the air, he may have spent a total of four minutes fussing. He slept some, played some, and was otherwise just pretty content. He definitely earned that tiny pair of wings the flight attendant gave him.
When I got off the plane and walked out to my grandparents, I was greeted with the phrase, "There he is!"
We added another seat at the breakfast table.

I love that this picture makes it look like Ben is eating a massive plate of bacon.
Even with a three month old, we still did most of the things we love to do on every visit.
We enjoyed an afternoon at Gibson Park.
Swung by Giant Springs, where Mom and Dad got married.
We went to the Farmers Market, which is one of my very favorite things to do in this small town.
We ate at Taco Treat.
And dipped our feet in the cool creek.

Let's just say, Ben didn't appreciate it as much as I did.
There was an air show in town while we were there, so the blue angels spent three days practicing right over my grandparent's house. Although it made napping difficult, it made for a great, extended show. Ben and Grampa sat outside and watched them fly.
Tim went camping with my dad and my brother for three days, and Ben and I were there to see them off.
We also spent several days at the resort we visit with Mom's family each year. It was so fun to introduce Ben to a place that holds hundreds of memories for me, including the spot where Tim proposed eight summers ago. We enjoyed the pool at the resort.
And the petting zoo, too!
As usual, Grampa force-fed me dozens of gallons of ice cream in the form of Chunky Monkey, chocolate chocolate bars, and sundaes. This may or may not have something to do with the reason I named my child after him. I've destroyed all photographic evidence of the aforementioned activity. It's a wonder I didn't require a seatbelt extender on the plane ride home.
Ben made so many sweet memories with family.
Blueberry pancakes with Uncle Anthony.
Breakfast at Eddie's Bakery with Aunts and Uncles. My Grandma used to work at this bakery in the 1940's, before she married my Grandpa.
Uncle Steve spent lots of time with Ben and even snuck him tastes of beef stroganoff and salad dressing when I wasn't looking.
Ben didn't discriminate. He snuggled with uncles, aunts, cousins, and grandparents.
Sure, this year wasn't as relaxing as years passed. I didn't sleep in, get to read much, or lay around by the pool, but this year's trip was so much more full. What a blessing to watch my child enjoy all the treats that were packed into my summers in Great Falls when I was growing up. Yes, in many ways it was different, but in many ways it was the best summer yet.