Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ten and Twenty Eight.

Last weekend was my 10 (yes, ten!) year high school reunion! Up until about twenty-four hours before the event, I wasn't completely decided on whether or not I was going to go.

The reunion was in Houston, and because of church commitments the following morning, Tim wasn't going to be able to come with me. At first I decided I didn't want to go alone, and then it dawned on me... "Twenty-four hours alone. Twenty-four hours on my own agenda. Twenty-four hours of only having to feed and clothe one person..." I love my boys, but I wasn't going to argue with a mini-vacation.

I hit the road to Houston and thoroughly enjoyed the four-hour drive. There was a little bit of silence, and quite a bit of me belting out the words to the music of my choosing (i.e. not VeggieTales). Tim and Ben should thank their lucky stars that they were miles away from that concert.

Our reunion was held at Washington Avenue Drinkery, and it ended up being a great venue for the event- much more casual and relaxed than a hotel convention room or something of that nature, and small enough that everyone was forced to mix and mingle.

Our class officers tortured us had us all wear name tags with our senior portraits on them. It was a great ice-breaker, but oh, the humanity!

It was great to see some many familiar faces in one place. Everyone looked wonderful, and everyone was relaxed and totally approachable. I only took a few pictures, but until I went back and looked at them, I'd almost forgotten that being outside in Houston is pretty much like standing in a hot shower. Don't waste time with hair or make-up. I digress... Here I am with Janelle and Rachel, two sweet friends who were class officers and also ended up being my wedding photographers!

The night was really so fun, and I only got stuck in two conversations that were awkward/slightly inescapable (there's a reason you normally bring a date to events like these!). When I was debating going, my dad told me that I'd really regret it if I didn't go. He was right (as usual), and I'm glad I made the trip.

I spent the night with some dear friends, woke up the next morning, and hit I-45 to head home. Since it was my birthday, I splurged on a venti cinnamon dolce latte and turned the music up even louder than the day before. I love the drive between Dallas and Houston, and I especially love making the drive in the mornings. The sun in the trees and the rolling hills are so beautiful. Those four hours were good for my soul, and a great way to kick-off my birthday.

I got home and found that my boys had been busy preparing for birthday festivities!

Yes, this would be the banner I used for Tim's 30th birthday in June. You've got to admit, the guy is resourceful...

After lots of hugs and kisses and afternoon naps, five of my favorite people took me to The Cheesecake Factory. As long as I live, I think this will be my favorite restaurant. Where else can you find avocado egg-rolls, spicy chipotle chicken pasta, and chocolate raspberry truffle cheesecake all in one place?

We came home after dinner to open gifts and eat cheesecake. All of our family went in and bought me a brand new SLR camera! (Woot Woot! So long, point-and shoot!) Fair warning: this means lots more pictures of a certain little boy are on the horizon.

As if all of that goodness wasn't quite enough, the day ended with massive rainstorms. I love a good storm. The perfect ending to a great weekend, and the perfect start to my twenty-ninth year!

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