
Monday, September 26, 2011


Last year, I ordered this yummy fabric online.
I love those little teapots, but particularly the cups and saucers. The fabric has been neatly folded and sitting on my fabric shelf for over a year. Although I loved the fabric, I had no plans for it. I considered making an apron, but I already have three of those, and how many aprons does one really need?

Last week, I started BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) and all the materials I was given required a three-ring binder. My binder was plain black and... plain. Inspiration struck.

A few hours later, I had this cute little quilted binder cover.

I use the bright green ribbon to clip my pens and highlighter.

Let's just say I had quite a bit of pent up crafting energy. At least five months worth. It felt so good to hear my shears slice through that fabric and listen to the glick-glick-glick-glick-glick as my presser foot hopped over those tiny teapots.

What do you think? I think I like it. Perhaps you can look for it soon in an etsy shop near you...

1 comment:

the hunters said...

wow!! you are so, so talented!! :) please open an etsy shop... you would get so much business!! what a fun idea!!