You, George David are 7 months old! Well, technically7.6 months old today, but close enough, right?
I intended to take 7-month pictures about three weeks ago, but I accidentally turned your white onesie pink in the wash. Then we went to Houston, then you had a cold (which progressed into your first ear infection), then you had a nasty, full-body rash as a result of a new bath soap (sorry about that one), and then we got iced in and I didn't have the heart to strip you down to your skivvies for a photo-shoot. So, here we are, almost three weeks later. You didn't seem to mind.
Showing off all four of those teeth! The top two are recent additions. |
In fact, nothing really seems to bother you. You are one mellow dude. You have gotten a bit more chatty this month, though, and you've even started yelling when you really want to get your point across.
We all love to make you smile, but
especially that brother of yours. Ben is so proud of himself when you giggle at him.
Every day, Daddy and I see glimpses of your Uncle Dave in you. We always stop and go, "Whoa! That's Dave!" See?
Speaking of Uncle Dave, you got to spend some time with him during our Thanksgiving trip to Houston. Y'all are becoming fast friends.
Speaking of Thanksgiving, this was your first! We had a great trip to Houston and all of your cousins enjoyed holding you. Papsy couldn't believe how sweet and laid back you are.
The shirt says "My First Thanksgiving," but those belly rolls distort it just a little. |
You're still rejecting table food. The doctor's not harassing me about it since you're nice a plump, and I'm feeling okay about it, too. Nursing is much easier and requires much less prep on my part, so we'll go with it until you decide otherwise, mkay?
Bath time remains your favorite part of the day.
This month was
big for me because you went from two (sometimes three!) middle-of-the-night wake-ups to mostly just one. I can totally hang with one wake-up. I know you'll be sleeping through the night completely before too long, so in the meantime I'm enjoying the quite snuggle time. You usually wake up right around 3am, and I nurse you and change your diaper and you go right back to sleep without any protest.
We are enjoying the heck out of you, our littlest boy.
All 7.6 months with you.