Before George was even here, our friends and family began showering us with baby love. I didn't have any expectations as far as gifts or showers since George was my second boy in less than two years, and I truly didn't
need anything other than diapers.
Our sweet friends wouldn't hear of it. I lead a group of 15 ladies at Bible Study Fellowship last year, and those sneaky ladies hijacked our very last fellowship and surprised me with the most lovely, thoughtful little celebration. It was a cold, rainy April morning, and one by one those ladies trudged in through the parking lot- juggling children, carrying fruit salads, juice, coffee, flowers, decorations, delicious breakfast casseroles,and lots and lots and lots of diapers (and wipes)! Hallelujah.
Words cannot describe how moved I was by their kindness. That was just the week before George joined us, and it made his impending arrival so much more real to me!
Later that week, a few of my closest friends took me out to dinner for one last baby-less hurrah. It was the perfect "un-shower." We had great food and fun conversation. They surprised me by bringing decorations and sweet gifts, including a new diaper bag I'd been eyeing for a while but was much too practical to purchase for myself. Their love and generosity was extravagant. I drove home from my "un-shower," and told Tim how humbled and grateful I was for the people God has given us.
Kim, Brooke, Kara, Lauren and Kendal are part of my "tribe." |
The girls also gave me twelve notes- one to open each time George turns another month older. It's been fun to open them these last five months.
Good thing we didn't wait much longer to get together- George was born six days later! |
On top of gifts and diapers, we've received help in practical ways. When I was too pregnant to climb a ladder (safely), Ainsley helped me paint Ben's big boy room so it would be ready to transition him out of the nursery.
Kyle and Nancy did
lots of driving to see us in April. They came up to celebrate Ben's birthday, then turned around and drove back only a week later so they could see George on his birthday.
George and Papsy bonding at the hospital. |
Kyle and Nancy got up at 3am and left Houston as soon as we confirmed that I was really in labor. It meant the world to me that they dropped everything and rushed to be there to share in our excitement. They could only stay the day, but I loved the fact that the trip was so worth-it to them.
As soon as Tim's "paternity leave" ended the week after George was born, Nancy drove up
again to stay for several days. On top of just helping with the boys, Nancy cooked and cleaned for me. One of the best things she did was keep George in her room a couple of those first nights. She brought him to me when he needed to eat, then took him back to burp him, change him, and settle him back down. I hated that George was even just a room away, but I was able to eek out as much sleep as possible, and I felt less like a zombie those next few days!
I'm not sure if it was harder for Nana to leave, or for us to watch Nana leave! |
Friends flooded our house with love and hugs and
delicious meals. They brought coffee and muffins, dinners and desserts. Our house seemed to have a revolving door, and I loved every bit of it. My girlfriend Stephanie, who has
four children of her own, brought dinner and a beautiful blanket she crocheted for George (in her plethora of free time). Another wonderful lady from BSF cross-stitched an intricate wall-hanging with all of George's birth stats and simply left it sitting on our porch so she wouldn't interrupt us.
Right away, George witnessed how all of these people are an extension of God's care for us.
Courtney, from our church's "Blessed Expectations" ministry, prayed earnestly for me and George throughout my pregnancy. I spoke to her at length about my desire to have a natural birth, and she encouraged and affirmed me on that journey. After George was born (naturally!), she brought over a cute yard sign to announce his arrival.
Packages from friends and family all over the country arrived in the mail. Wonderful, all-natural baby soaps and lotions that smell like orange and vanilla. Books and tiny blue clothes. Picture frames and keepsakes. One of Tim's childhood friends, Courtney, made and sent custom goodies just for George!
Why, oh why, can I not get this picture to turn? |
Ainsley took family pictures and newborn pictures of George.
My incredible Mom, who already has the gift of servant-hood, went into hyper-drive with the arrival of our little baby.
Mom thought of everything- she supported me physically, mentally, and emotionally. She pre-cooked food and stocked our freezer. She arranged to have my house cleaned the week before George arrived and a handful of times after. Truly, what on this earth is better than a clean home you haven't cleaned yourself? I'm convinced this service is the nicest thing one can give a new mom.
Can we please have a moment of silence for those vacuum lines? |
Mom wanted so much to move-in and help me, but when George was born she still had a month left of teaching at school. Her solution? Bring me
Sarah. Sarah, my sweet teenage cousin from Denver, flew in like some sort of Mary Poppins/Martha Stewart hybrid and did pretty much everything other than nurse my baby (though I'm convinced she would have, if she could). For a month. A. Month. Don't hate me.

Sarah spent hours and hours snuggling my little guy so I could play with my big guy. And shower. She also played with my big guy so I could snuggle my little guy.
She cooked. Scones and souffles and french toast with homemade berry compote, just to name a few of the items. I needed all those calories for the breastfeeding, I tell ya.
Sarah's gave up a month of her summer, and that sacrifice was
priceless to me. Sarah cleaned my house. She folded my laundry and washed my dishes. She watched Ben so I could take George to doctors appointments. She watched both boys so Tim and I could go out on a date. She stood in the back of our church and bounced George to sleep so I could listen to the sermon. She got up with Ben in the middle of the nights so I only had to get up with George. She helped me juggle boys and bags at the store, the library, and the zoo. It was just like having a sister wife, with all the benefits and none of the yucky parts.
I was so, so sad to see Sarah go, but after a month of tirelessly serving our family, I knew she was more than ready to go home to her family (and enjoy some much-deserved solid sleep).
April through June were a bit of a blur, but they were filled with
so much goodness. God gave us George, and the embarrassment of riches that came along with him.