
Sunday, February 10, 2008


Although we haven't received "official" approval yet (which I'm slightly concerned about, but Tim isn't) I believe it's safe to say that a week from today, I will be a homeowner!

This has been a quick adventure for us! We've known for a while that we don't really want to live in this apartment for another year. It's not a bad apartment, we actually really like it, we are just far away from everything. So we prayed and prayed that God would direct us, and we found a great little house in a nice location that we are pumped about! It has been a short, but intense journey, and we've learned a lot about ourselves and the people around us. There's so much I could say about all of this.

Here are just a few of the things God has taught me through this process...

1. I have a great life partner. I know that's not a very romantic way of putting it, but I think that's the best way of describing it. He is my partner in life, and we are a team. We are both so busy this semester, and there simply aren't enough hours in the day. Getting approved for a loan is a LOOOONG and time consuming process, and Tim has stepped up in such a big way. He has placed and returned phone calls, run papers around town, and just overall made sure that my life and busy schedule could be as un-interrupted as possible during this process. AND he had done the vast majority (may I venture... 95%?) of the packing. Awesome.

2. Everything we have is God's. I've known and believed this for a while, but am encouraged by the new meaning this statement has taken on. This house we are about to buy... this HUGE investment... is not our house. It is God's house. We will use it for His purposes. We will fill it with people that He loves, and aim to show them His love. It is a blessing that He is allowing us to be stewards of this little piece of land and try to honor Him with it.

3. Jealousy really IS a green-eyed monster. This house we are buying is nice, but modest. It is 2000 sq. feet, and it is a starter home. We are THRILLED with it. It's more than we hoped for in our first house. Today I was catching up with a friend from high school who recently came into quite a bit of money. We graduated together, and she is also building a house. A HUGE house. A house my parents probably couldn't even afford. Think corner lot, granite counter tops, upgrades everywhere, covered patios, something you'd retire in... the works! Suddenly, our little starter home is looking a little more... little? My excitement shrinks. But only momentarily! THAT is how the devil gets you! He takes this blessing God has given you, which you are happy and content with and thankful for, and he subtly nudges you in the direction of someone else's stuff and whispers, "wait, isn't their blessing bigger than yours? Nicer, perhaps? Shinier, even?" And as your smile fades, you admit, "Yea... mine's not quite that big. Or nice. Or... shiny?" But no! I mean yes, theirs IS bigger and nicer. But good for them! They deserve it! Not only that, but they'll have more to clean, and they'll pay more taxes. Mine is great, and I don't even deserve it. So devil, (and green-eyed monster) you can't steal my joy. I choose joy.

So, those are just three of the things I've thought about over the last month. My mom is coming in on Thursday, and I am PUMPED!!!! Can't wait to see her! Plus, she's an excellent mover/unpacker.

Lori, Tim's little sister, is getting married the following weekend, so fun times with family are ahead.

And, on top of ALL of this, we met our new next door neighbor. She is 65, her name is Glenda, she's from (wait for it...) JERSEY, and she has a chihuahua named "Sugar." Yes!!! Let the good times roll!!!

Now, if I could just shake the cold that's been slowing me down for the last 5 days, I'd be ready to rock. One can only eat so much chicken noodle soup, new house or otherwise.