
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Little Things

I always say I'm a person who notices the "little things" in life. I know other people do too, but for some reason I suspect I'm strangely aware of them. But I think that's a cool thing, because it gives me so many more opportunities to appreciate life! For example:

Tim gets up a little before me every morning because he has class at 8:00 and I don't have to be there till 10:00. So, he gets up, gets ready, makes the coffee, gives me a kiss in bed, and leaves. Later, I get up, brush my teeth, make the bed, and plod out to the kitchen for coffee. When I got there this morning, I could still smell his cologne at the coffee pot. I couldn't help but smile and be thankful that I get to live an ordinary life with such a spectacular guy.

So that was my "little thing" for this morning. I DO plan on adding to this list, but in the mean time, what are some of YOUR "little things?"