
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Night Before Christmas...

Christmas Eve was such a wonderful, laid back day for our little family. I met a girlfriend for coffee that morning, we went to the park to play (it was 80 degrees in Houston!), and we enjoyed the Christmas Eve service at church with family and friends. 

We were a little nervous about the whole "No Childcare Provided" deal at church, but Ben was a total champ.  We went with a diaper bag stocked with snacks and distractions, Ben loved the singing, the service was short and sweet, and there were lots of children around us- a winning combination!

With Amy, Amber, and our families after surviving the service.  These girls are high school friends who are also forever friends.
Since Kyle and Nancy had to stay at church for the second service, Tim, Ben and I went out to dinner afterwards, just the three of us.  We ordered comfort food and enjoyed just being together.  I'm soaking in these moments.  It's hard to believe we will be a family of four in just a few months.

When we got back to the house Tim read us the one-year-old, abbreviated version of the Christmas story.  (The "Luke 2" version is still a few years away.)  Thank you, God, for sending your Son!

Finally, we did Santa preparations.  We set out cookies and milk and made a big, exciting deal about the fact that "Santa is coming!"

After lots of enthusiasm and anticipation, it was time for bed.  Ben started bawling when took him back to lay him down, which is pretty out of character.  I rocked him and snuggled him while he cried and cried.  "What's wrong, buddy?" I asked.  He finally caught his breath and sadly said over and over, "Ho, ho, ho.  Ho, ho, ho." 

We realized that Ben had no concept of the fact that Santa comes after we go to sleep.  Ben was so sad that Santa was coming and we were making him miss the big arrival by going to bed.  What a concept!  That little boy is too smart.

Tim slipped in the next room, made a quick call to my dad, and a minute later Ben received a phone call from "Santa," wishing him a Merry Christmas and encouraging him to go to sleep.  The phone call did the trick, and our sleepy boy had visions of sugarplums dancing in his head just a few minutes later.

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