
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Holly Jolly Ben.

When we visited Santa last year, Ben exhibited slight curiosity. Okay, mostly just indifference.

This year Ben's much more familiar with Santa.  We've read a few books and have a few Santas around the house, and Ben goes so far as to yell "Ho, Ho, Ho!" when he sees Moses or Noah in any of his Bible books.

Before we went to visit Santa we went for a yummy BBQ dinner and talked Santa up pretty big.  Ben seemed receptive.  Things were looking good.

We made our way into Sundance Square and Ben made visual contact with Santa.  Very interested.  Intrigued.  Possibly even... excited?

Dad and Gramma continued to talk up the experience as we waited in line.  I felt hopeful.  Alas...

Ben was terrified.

Santa didn't appear too happy, either.

Even after Tim rescued Ben and he was a safe distance from Santa, Ben continue to sob- nay, hyperventilate. He looked at us with sad, disbelieving eyes.  The betrayal.  The audacity to set him on Santa's knee. 

Don't worry, buddy, we won't do it again... this year....

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