
Saturday, June 23, 2012


Sweet Baby,

12 weeks is all we had with you. Today we found out that we've lost you.

We are still in shock. Other than being exhausted, I've felt so good these last few months. Everything seemed to be on track, and just last week we shared our sweet news with the world. Things changed suddenly yesterday and somehow, even when there were still questions, I knew.

Today was long and traumatic for both Daddy and me. After hours of testing and prodding and waiting, a doctor we don't even know came in to tell us you were gone. They couldn't find your heartbeat. You weren't measuring right. Close to half of all pregnancies end this way, and there's nothing we did wrong or could have done differently. Even if I'd carried you to term, you likely wouldn't have survived birth. He started using words like "tissue" and "viable" and I stopped listening. And then he left us to cry and gather our things and head home and re-frame the picture of the family we've been painting for the last twelve weeks.

Now the hard part begins. How do we say "goodbye" when we never really got our "hello?" How do we find closure in something that barely begun?

We miss you already, little one. My mind races with unanswered questions. Why? How? What could I have done differently? God knows I would have done anything. Thousands and thousands of things about you will remain undiscovered- the color of your eyes, the shape of your face, the sound of your laugh. How will I remember a baby I knew so little about? I don't even know your name.

But I will remember. I will remember the joy on Daddy's face when I told him you were coming. I will remember the excitement of our family and friends. I will remember how tired and nauseous (but in a good way) you made me. I will remember the way we hoped and dreamed and planned for you these last few months. I will frame your sonogram, the only picture I have of you. You've been part of our family for twelve weeks, and you always will be. I will remember. You weren't with us for long, but you brought us incredible happiness. There was so much hope packed into those weeks. I'll try not to let the sadness overshadow that.

We believe that God is sovereign, that He gives and takes away. We might never understand why, but it doesn't change the truth. We will meet you someday, though not as soon as we'd hoped. We know that Jesus is holding you now, and as of today, Heaven is just a little sweeter.

Loving and missing you now and always,



Anonymous said...

Whew. So beautifully said Meagan. You and Tim have been, and will be, in our thoughts and prayers. love you.
Wendy and Steve

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful words Meagan you have me in tears. I will continue to pray for you guys during this difficult time.
So sorry.

Amanda McCusker said...

I have no words for you. Losing a baby so young is tough and a heartache. I've had two miscarriages and I still wonder why. There is great grief in losing a child no matter how young. I am so sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you.

Allison said...

Tears definitely came to my eyes reading this. Praying for comfort and peace for you guys. I am so so so sorry.

MarisaOwen said...

i'm so sorry meagan! Thanks for posting about this for letting others know how you are doing and what they can do. Praying for your family.

Aimee @ said...

tears are welling and i wish i could come to you - even though i know you have such a tremendous support there - just know we will continue to pray for your family with thanksgiving that God is a Sovereign God and your sweet baby is with Him!