
Saturday, February 18, 2012


You are TEN months old today. Double digits, buddy! You've had a major growth/development spurt lately, and although I should probably be sad that my baby is less and less a baby every day, this age is just too much fun!

This month has been one of runny noses, doctors appointments, green beans, the Super Bowl, spaghetti, sing-alongs, "I'm gonna get you," valentines, spashing in the tub, a trip to Austin, a visit from a Great-Grandma, open cabinets, open cupboards, open drawers, crawling fast, pulling up, your first tooth, and bed-head. Lots of bed-head.

I saw something the other day that said,
"If I could go back in time, I'd have found you sooner so I could love you longer."
Every day Dad and I talk about how parenting is so much better than we could ever have imagined. Sometimes we do wonder why we waited so long before deciding that we were "ready" for kids. What could we possibly have had to do that was so important? Travel, careers, vacations... any other experience pales in comparison to the chance to love you. Ultimately, we believe that God gives life and His timing is perfect, and it was much less "up to us" than we often acknowledge. Whatever the timing, we are so thankful He gave you to us.

Almost time to start discussing that birthday cake, little boy...


Amy said...

It seems like just yesterday you all were coming over to see us and Ben was so small. I can't believe he is 10 months old!! What a cutie. :)

Yolanda said...

Our Aliya was 11 months yesterday! Oh! How time flys by too fast!

Amber said...

I love this post and what you wrote in the last bit! I feel the same way with our Mason. XOXO