
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Six Words.

After Bible Study this morning I made my way to the nursery to pick up my little nugget. His sweet teacher gave me the usual report; he'd eaten all his oatmeal, had a little juice and fell asleep in the swing. She commented on how he is really starting to move around and pull up. "He'll be walking in no time!" I smiled and acknowledged how big he's getting, and as I reached down to pick up his diaper bag, she leaned in and whispered, "You are a really good mommy."

I didn't realize until after she's said it how much I needed to hear it. I don't know what she's seen in me, or Ben (if anything) that prompted her to say it. She knows Ben is my first, and maybe she knows that my sleep is broken, my shirt has boogers on it, last night's dirty dishes are still in the sink, and my living room resembles a Babies R' Us that's been ransacked by monkeys. And this is a good day.

Motherhood has surprised me in so many ways. I never knew I had the capacity to love another human being as much as I love Ben, yet never before have I felt so completely in over my head. I do lots of guessing, lots of hoping, lots of reading, lots of praying. I am so thankful that Ben is mine, but sometimes I feel like he deserves better than me, a veteran mommy who is more relaxed, has stronger instincts, and could anticipate his needs and decipher his cries more quickly. He deserves someone who knows what she is doing.

Those six little words buoyed my mommy heart. She took three seconds and one breath and gave me a gift. It is so true that money and "things" aren't the only resources we have to give generously to others. We can use our time, our words, our energy, and our attention to lavish little blessings on those around us. I'm so thankful Miss Karen did that for me today.


the hunters said...

Miss Karen is SO right! you are a wonderful mommy... i hope I am as good of a mommy as you one day! love you :)

Meagan said...

You are sweet, Lauren. Thanks. :)

rebekah l. louis said...

you are a great mommy!
and trust me, even as a veteran mom- i still don't know what the heck i'm doing!!!!!!