
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Supermarket Sweep.

Dear Ben,

You are at such a fun age right now, and almost every day we get to celebrate a "first." Today was your first day to ride in the front of the grocery cart while we went shopping.

I usually carry you in the Baby Bjorn while we shop, and I would have today, too, but I left the baby carrier in Daddy's car over the weekend. I decided today was as good a day as any to pull out your cart cover and take it for a spin. You may still be a teeny bit small for such a big seat, but you did pretty well.

So much to look at!

Hey, this isn't so bad!

You are such a good helper to Mommy, and today you wanted to help hold my grocery list. Since I needed to look at my list, I let you hold a box of cake mix for me, and that kept you occupied for about eight whole aisles. You just loved the bright colors on the box.

By the time we checked out, it looked like you were ready to go home for a nap. I would think this whole "side/recline-in-the-front-of-the-cart" thing would be horribly uncomfortable, but you were totally relaxed.

You are such a great little buddy, and I'm thankful for every day we spend together.



1 comment:

Deanne said...

Meagan, Love the pics in the grocery cart...So cute..