
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Saying "Thanks."

Dear Jill and Violet,

I've put off writing this note for almost seven months because I've been so overwhelmed by the idea of using mere words to say "Thank You!" All month long, our family has been hanging "leaves" on our Thanksgiving Tree, and when I put your names on the tree yesterday, I knew it was time to buckle down and write this note.

I simply cannot overstate how thankful I am for both of you and the kindness and compassionate care you provided for our little family back in April. I took Bradley classes and I was bound and determined to have a natural birth. When my water started leaking and I didn't go into labor on my own, things quickly deviated from my plan. I was induced and I was scared.

For the first twelve hours, Jill was my angel. Jill, you acted as both a nurse and a doula- encouraging me, comforting me, getting me popsicles, even rubbing my feet with lotion. You made sure I had everything I needed and you did absolutely everything you could to make me comfortable and help me through. You never wavered when I doubted myself or the situation. You were so sweet and so patient. You were truly an answer to the prayers we'd been praying up until that day. God knew exactly what I would need when things didn't go according to plan and He gave me you. After 13 hours of hard labor and 32 hours without sleep, I decided to get an epidural. I wrestled with feeling like I'd failed. You continued to sweetly encourage me, even after all the hard work you had done in the previous hours to help me work towards a natural delivery. I am so, so thankful for you.

Violet, you came on duty shortly after I received an epidural and I was resting comfortably, but still disappointed that the whole experience wasn't going as I'd hoped. You were kind and encouraging. You made me laugh and helped me get past the things that were beyond my control and you got me really excited about the birth of my son. I am so thankful that you were on my team that night/morning. After 25 hours at the hospital, I delivered my son- my whole world- and you were standing there next to me. You will always be such a huge part of our story.

Ladies, I cannot tell you how important your job is and what a difference you make in the lives of your patients. For you, I'm sure April 17th (and 18th... and 19th) was just another day at work. You may have been tired, you may have been having a bad day, things might not have been great at home, but I never would have known it. You treated my birth like it was the most important birth you'd ever attended- and for me, it was!

I regularly thank God that you were both on duty the day Ben was born, and I pray (what are the odds?) that you'll both be there when we welcome our next little baby into the world some day. Thank you, thank you, thank you.



This is the thank you note I FINALLY sat down and wrote to my labor and delivery nurses this morning. I will write a similar one to the midwife who was an equally wonderful part of Ben's birth.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, who do you need to write to today?

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