
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Pinterest Party

A few weekends ago I had my very first Pinterest Party! I sent an evite to some friends who are on Pinterest and asked them to come over and bring the supplies they would need for a project so we could craft together!

I'm always up for crafting. I also needed a good excuse to make this cake:

It was delish. Really, really delish.

After I'd eaten a piece (or two... or something close to that) of cake, I got started on the mobile I made for Ben's room. I found the tutorial on pinterest (via this blog) and although it was a bit more tedious than I imagined (apparently I'm not great at cutting out circles) I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

My Mom had the embroidery hoop, and I already had the ribbon and all the leftover fabric from Ben's bedding, so the only thing I had to purchase was the HeatnBond, which was about $2.50. Not bad!

Erica made a wrapped "N" like this one:

Lauren painted some canvases for her dining room, and LynnAnn made an adorable birthday banner for her little guy's upcoming party. I wish I'd taken some pictures, but we were just too busy crafting!

The party kicked off at 7:00, and I figured everyone would finish up about 9:00. Wrong! We had such a great time (and spent so much time gabbing) that we were just wrapping up around 11pm. As a matter of fact, while we were crafting, the Texas Rangers were on TV losing the World Series in the 7th game of the series, and we were so distracted by our crafting that none of us cried. Not even a little.

Side note: Perhaps if Tim began hosting craft parties during Cowboys games, Sundays wouldn't be so painful for him? I'll have to remember to mention that to him.

In short:

1) If you love crafting, you should throw a Pinterest Party

2) You should have at least one, if not two (or three) baked goods at said party, because, well... why not?

3) Allow plenty of time for gabbing and crafting

4) Make sure you have lots of space for everyone to spread out and work. (I covered my kitchen table and kitchen island with butcher paper).

5) Send me pictures of your crafts. Did I mention that I love crafts? I did? Okay.

1 comment:

Michelle Myers said...

I WANT TO COME TO YOUR PINTEREST PARTY!!!!! That way, I can find something I want to make...and when I can't figure it out, you're right there to help me!