
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Say It Ain't So.

Question of the day: What do all of these things have in common? Breastfeeding, Ben & Jerry's ice cream, homemade ice cream, various other types of ice cream, and a constipated, fussy baby.

Answer: A potential "milk protein intolerance" in my baby.

It has been suggested that I go dairy-free for two weeks to see if there are any improvements in my little guy's discomfort.

I googled "Hidden Dairy Allergens" and found quite a list of things, including bread, peanut butter, baked goods, cookies, crackers, chocolate, and cereal, among other things. Of course, there is cheese, milk, and did I mention... ICE CREAM!?!?!?

My life is about to change in a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Megan, how goes the no milk situation with Ben? Any better? Hope it is!