
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Making it Count

I started following this blog about a week ago. I've never met Matt or Kara, but I found their blog through a few friends of mine who attended Baylor with them. To be honest, I've mostly only skimmed their story because I can't read it without crying. My heart just rips in half as I hold my precious little boy and think about the battle theirs has faced. In the last week, they've never been far from my mind.

As I stood in church this morning, reading verses about how God is close to the brokenhearted, all I could do was pray for this sweet couple and their family.

May their story serve as a reminder to us that every. single. day. counts. Today, love deeply, and give thanks.


Hope 4 Baby J said...

Wow, thanks for posting this Meagan, I will be praying for this couple. I agree with you on the crying, I bawled, simply heartbreaking. Will hold Jaedon a little longer tonight.
Hope you and baby Ben are doing well. Miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

God has been showing me how fragile life really is. This family is not the only ones I know that have lost someone this week to a brain tumor. Life is but a vapor....