
Thursday, October 24, 2013


Both of our April babies are half a year older!

I can't believe you, little George, are already six months old!

Your interests seem limited to chewing and jumping.  Buddy, you bounce around like a bean.  Even while you're eating, you lay on your side and kick off of the pillow or the rocking chair or the closest surface. It makes things interesting.  Anything within reach lasts about .64 seconds before it gets shoved in your mouth.  Your hands, your feet, your toys, Ben's toys; you don't discriminate.

It's no wonder everything goes straight to your mouth, because your first two teeth popped through this week!  Truthfully, I loved that gummy little smile and am a little sad to lose it so quickly.  No chewing for you, though. We've tried to feed you pureed fruit a few times, but you remain unimpressed.  That's okay.  This go-round, I'm not stressing, I'm just enjoying!

Oh, and we do enjoy you.  My favorite thing about you is the fat rolls on your knees.

And the two little dimples under your bottom lip. And your long eyelashes.

And those cheeks.  Well, really it's just not fair to make me choose, is it?

We just can't get over what an easy-going baby you are, and we laugh because you remind us of your Uncle David (yes, the one you're named after!) in that way.  You just hang out.  That precocious big brother keeps me on my toes, and you seem to get a kick out of watching everything unfold.  You happily accompany us to the library, Bible study, and the park with very little protest.  Grampa says "angelic" is the best word he can find to describe you, and I have to agree.  George David, you are so many answered prayers wrapped up in one sweet, chunky, irresistible little boy!

Of course, Ben is two-and-a-half!

Ben, you are Toy Story.  All the time.  Every day.  "Woody and Buzz" go with us everywhere, and you are constantly losing either Woody or Woody's hat (or both) and recruiting friends and family to help you find him.  "Yet's yook for Woody..."

You love to sing.  You shout "Yes Sir!!!" when we sing "The Lord's Army," and "1-2-3 strikes you're out!" when it's "Take Me Out to the Ballgame." "Deep in the Heart of Texas" and "Jingle Bell Rock" are current favorites, too (thank you, Daddy).

You love that little brother of yours, as evidenced by today's photo-bombing.

You like looking at George on the "monatour" and as soon as you hear him cry, your eyes get really big and you say, "Huuu! Yet's go check on Georgey David!"  We put a chair next to his crib so you can climb up and look in on him, and you love to greet him with songs in the morning.  "It's okay, Georgey David, I'm heeya!"  He just beams up at you.  I stand there and watch you smiling at each other and marvel at how rich we are.  I know that's just disgusting, but honestly, how much sweeter does it get?

I sing a little song to George to the tune of "Oh Christmas Tree."  It's "George David, George David, I love you, love you, love you."  You sing him you're own version quite often. "Georgey David, Georgey, David, I wuv you wuv you wuv you wuv you wuv you..."  Melts me.

You just talk up a storm.  We get such a kick out of it.  When you wake up in the morning, you'll say, "It's a pretty day!  Good morning, sun!  I'm so happy to see you, Mommy."  You have the sweetest little spirit about you- just pure joy!

When we ask you questions, you answer with full sentences.   "Yes, I would yike to go at de park, Mommy!" "No fanks, I don't wanta eat dat, Daddy."

With Daddy at your first Ranger's game!
Of course, the funniest thing is when you use phrases and expressions correctly without having any idea what you're saying.  Your timing can be so impeccable.  We walked over to Gramma's house the other day and you wore your Buzz Lightyear Halloween costume.  When Gramma opened the door, she said, "Oh my!  Did Buzz Lightyear come to see me?"  You walked right past her and said, "I come in peace!"  We died.

"Boppa" is your best buddy.  (You can make all the individual sounds in the word "Gr-am-pa," but when I ask you to string them all together, it just comes out "Boppa.")  You two just can't get enough of each other. Boppa is so busy, but he always makes time for his "little buddy".  You ask to "facetime" him every day that he is traveling.  "Hew-woah, Boppa!" When he's home, he loves to lay in bed with you at night and tell you stories.  He is an "explorer" at heart, and so are you.  Much of your vocabulary and many of your questions stem from your time with him.
Boppa joins us for story time at the "yibee" whenever he can.
You are so obedient.  95% of the time, you come when we ask you to, stop when we ask you to, and do what we ask without us having to ask again.  I take no credit for this.  When I pray with you at night, I ask God to give you an obedient heart that will listen to Him and listen to us, and I see that answered prayer each day!  We can walk through stores with "no touchin', ownyee yookin'" and you stay right with me in parking lots and busy places.  I keep hearing that "terrible twos" is really a misnomer, and "three" is what we need to watch out for.  We shall see!

We are so thankful for both of our guys.  You make life sweeter in every way.  Happy half-birthdays, boys!

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