
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Three Months.

George David is THREE months old already! This month, George...

  • Had the new King of England named after him!  We think that's pretty cool.
  • Is laid back and happy nearly all the time (except when we are in the car).  
  • Falls asleep on his own about half the time (Praise the Lord).
  • Nurses every 2 to 3 hours during the day and gives me a 6-8 hour stretch most nights.  Unfortunately, the stretch is usually from 7pm to 2am, but I'll take what I can get!
  • Either sleeps in the pack-n-play next to our bed or in our bed in-between us.  We moved him to his own room for about two nights and discovered that we both sleep better when he is closer to us.
  • Loves sucking on his fists and holding them straight up over his head to stare at them.  When he sucks on them he makes the loudest, most obnoxious slurping noises I've ever heard.
  • Giggles hysterically when we wipe his bottom with a cold wipe.
  • Went to the church nursery for the first time and did great!
  • Met his great-grandparents (love at first sight on both ends).
  • Rolls to his side and then gets stuck.  Won't be long now!
  • He coos.  It melts me.
  • Poops an average of once a week.  That sure keeps life exciting around here.

George David, we love you more than we can express!  What a soft, squishy, happy, yummy little thing you are!

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