
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Morning with Benjamin

After just four hours of sleep last night (broken up into 2, two hour shifts) I woke up to feed Ben this morning. He dozed through most of his feeding, and once we were finished we went in his room to change his diaper.

Upon removing his diaper, I noticed that his bottom looked a little red, so I opened the diaper cream. In the two seconds that took, Ben started peeing all over himself... his hair, his face, even in his ear. Of course, I stuck my hand over his (ehem) immediately to block the stream, which had also gotten his clothes and the changing pad cover. Sigh... he needs a bath.

I stripped him down and took him to the bathroom. It's quite a challenge for one person to bathe him alone because he is so slick and wiggly, but with urine in his hair, I didn't have much of a choice. Luckily, he likes the water and feels comfortable there. So comfortable, that he has no problem pooping in the tub. Which he did right at that moment.

The bath was sort of a fiasco so I was relieved to get him all washed up and rinsed off. I wrapped him up in his froggy towel and carried him back to his room. Can't put him on the changing table (which is still covered with the urine that started this whole process), so I laid him on the floor to finish drying him off and get his new outfit on him.

"Okay, buddy, doesn't it feel good to get all clean? Yes, you smell so nice..."

Puke. All over his face, his chest, and the towel I was drying him with.

Henceforth, our house shall simply be referred to as "Benjamin's Path of Destruction."


Anonymous said...

It WILL get easier! You are doing such a great job. :) I love you!

Anonymous said...

Just read your whole birth story to this latest post and "ate it all up"! So glad Ben will have this documentary of his precious life. Love you. Can't wait till the day I can meet him in person. - Wendy L