
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Imagine If...

Once upon a time, a lady named Reagan and her son, Ken, went to the grocery store. While perusing the dairy aisle, another kind shopper stopped to smile at Ken and compliment his big, blue eyes.

"What a cutie!" the shopper remarked. "You have a good looking boy. How old is he?"

"He will be one a week from today." Reagan answered, smiling back. Then, right there next to the cottage cheese, Reagan started crying.

Confused and surprised by her own tears, Reagan mumbled something about Ken being her first child and how quickly he seemed to be growing. The shopper smiled and nodded knowingly, and the shopper's sympathetic agreement only seemed to exacerbate Reagan's emotion.

Reagan bit her lip and moved on to the snack aisle, befuddled by the unexpected episode.

The end.

What a silly story! Imagine if that were true.


Joel's Mom said...

If it were true I'd say Reagan is a fabulous mother who realizes how precious that baby Ken is and isn't taking a moment for granted ;)

Anonymous said...

Poor Reagan