
Sunday, March 21, 2010

I Am Second

Our student ministry just completed a series called, "I Am Second," a spin-off/extension of the website. We watched some of the videos featured on the website and discussed the struggles and faith in the individuals' testimonies.

Part of the challenge at the end of the series was for each student to write a brief version of their own "I Am Second" story. I wrote one as well, and our group shared them this morning. Here is my story.

I Am Second

I grew up in seven different states. My dad had a great career, but it meant that we moved every few years. As a result, I always sensed the importance of making the most of what was happening in a moment, knowing nothing lasts forever. I learned early on that everything in life is temporary, and it made me appreciate so much about the world. I am thrilled by little things in life.

I was raised in a Christian home and can’t even remember a specific time when I “accepted Christ.” I’ve trusted Him for as long as I can remember. Every time we moved, we immediately started looking for a new church. We attended several different denominations of church- everything from Baptist to Assemblies of God. My parents always said that it didn’t matter what the church was called, as long as they preached the truth inside.

Right before I started Jr. High we moved to Chicago and I started into a new youth group. My youth pastor had a love for Christ like no one I’d ever met before, and he challenged us to make our faith our own. I started digging into God’s Word. As a junior higher, I would wake up at 5:30 in the morning (voluntarily!) just to spend time reading my Bible before my day began. Between the ages of twelve and thirteen, I experienced a period of huge spiritual growth. I took hold of what Christ did for me and how I am called to respond to that. My life hasn’t been the same since.

God has never let me wander far before He reminds me that I am His and He is with me. Although I had a charmed childhood, I have lived through a lot in my short adult life. I’ve grieved the loss of loved ones, sent a husband off to war, and tasted disappointment so bitter that I couldn’t imagine ever feeling genuine happiness again. All along, I leaned on my faith- whether it meant limping along or simply collapsing. The Lord is the One and Only thing I can always turn to. He will never fail me, and He will always be everything I need. In the deepest part of my heart, I believe that He works all things together for my good. I love my God.

I don’t have any really great talents, and there isn’t a specific thing that I can say God created me to do. All I know is that He has a purpose for me, and that He’ll use me in spite of the fact that I’m not the prettiest, smartest, funniest, or best at anything I attempt. I know that as long as I’m breathing, He’s not finished with me yet.