
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Control Yourself: The Conversation Between my Body and my Brain

I'm having my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow, and APPARENTLY I'm nervous about it.

Just in the last few years, I've found that I have trouble controlling my body. Maybe it's NOT always mind over matter. I don't remember ever having trouble with this as a kid. For example, I KNOW everything will go fine tomorrow. The Doctor is really good, he does a million of these surgeries, and it's a minor surgery. But still, my stomach is sick.

"It's okaaaaaay," my Brain tells my Stomach.

My Stomach doesn't listen.

My Heart has been beating fast this evening. Even watching the 2 hour season finale of LOST didn't help. It might have actually made it beat faster. "You'll be fiiiiiiine," my Head tells my Heart.

Stupid Heart ignores me, too.

What to do? Go to bed?... stupid Mind won't slow down enough to let me sleep. Even though IT has been the one trying to convince my churning Stomach and racing Heart that everything will be fine.

It's only because I've never been put under anesthesia before. The whole "fear of the unknown" thing. Gets you every time.

At this time tomorrow, I'm sure I'll still be alive. The anesthesia will be administered properly, I'll slip peacefully to sleep, get rid of those pesky wisdom teeth that bother me so frequently, and wake up with a prescription for some fun medicine. Sure, I'll be drooling blood for the next few days, but I'll be alive.

Really, Stomach and Heart, I'll be fine.

Not only will it be fine, but today I recieved a BEAUTIFUL boquet of tulips (my favorites) from my wonderful parents, along with a card saying they wish they were here and they wish me a speedy recovery.

So I'll have bloody drool, two less teeth, fun medicine, a good excuse to sleep, and pretty flowers. AND, best of all, I'll most likely drop a few lbs. after a few days of eating nothing but pudding, jello, and soup.

It will be fine.